Hosting a PTA Event at Your School?

AIM Playlist of Events Title Image

Check if You’re Covered:  AIM Insurance’s Playlist of Covered & Excluded Events

  • Stop:  This activity is potentially excluded from your policy.  Contact AIM for more details.
  • Play:  Covered Event
  • Pause:  Use caution.  Even though this event is potentially covered under your policy, this is a high-risk event and you need to take extra precaution when hosting.

AIM Playlist of Events


BCPS High-Risk Activities

View the list here.


Bingos & Raffles: Read the Rules First!

Read the FSPTA Financial Guide section on hosting bingos and raffles, which are considered “games of chance” and are subject to IRS rules tied to unrelated business income.


From the FSPTA Financial Guide: RAFFLES AND OTHER GAMES OF CHANCE (see IRS guidance below)

“A raffle is where the PTA/PTSA sells tickets, separately from tickets for admission to an event, and one of the tickets is drawn from all tickets to win a prize. Raffle tickets are tickets sold separately from event tickets. If everyone attending an event is eligible to win a prize drawing, then it’s a door prize, not a raffle.

While PTAs like an easy raffle, many nonprofits do not realize the registration and reporting that raffles require.  In some Maryland counties, raffles require an entirely separate permit in addition to a Bingo license.  THE IRS HAS INCREASED ITS SCRUTINY OF GAMING ACTIVITIES AND HAS PARTNERED WITH MANY STATES TO COMPARE STATE GAMING REGISTRATIONS TO PROPER IRS REPORTING.

If your PTA decides to run a raffle or Bingo, learn about the requirements that may apply to the PTA and make sure you’re running it correctly.”

Baltimore County requires a one-day permit even for bingos where small prizes are awarded (family/fun bingos with no cash prizes).  Contact the Baltimore County Miscellaneous Permits and Licenses Office at 410.887.3616 or read its guidance on Bingo and Gaming here:

IRS Guidance: Tax-Exempt Organizations and Gaming

Information on RAFFLES from the Maryland Secretary of State’s Charitable Organizations Division:

Raffle permit required from Baltimore County.


Submit a BCPS Facilities Request

Event Manager – Use of BCPS Facilities

Per BCPS Rule 1300: The application for use of facilities must be submitted a minimum of 45 days prior to the proposed activity or events. 

Review Rule 1300 HERE.

“Additional Insured” Requirement

From BCPS Facilities:  In order to complete the use of facilities request, additional information is required. Please forward to BCPS the required information identified below:

Certificate of Insurance – Submit a current insurance certificate as proof of general liability coverage for your organization. The insurance certificate must name the Board of Education of Baltimore County, 6901 Charles St. Towson MD 21204 as additionally insured for this activity. You will upload your proof of insurance (your General Liability Policy) into your BCPS account on the portal.

Indemnification Form Please read, sign, and return the document below.  In the dates of the activities, put “school year 20xx-20xx” (i.e., the current school year)

BCPS Indemnification Form (5-page document; fill out information on page 5)

From AIM:  Most districts and/or school boards throughout the country want to be listed as additional insureds to the general liability policy.  You are agreeing to share your limits if something were to happen at one of your events which is the intended purpose of your general liability insurance. This is a common request of most districts and there is no charge to add additional insureds.

To add an additional insured/certificate holder**, AIM needs you to complete, sign (electronic or typed signatures not accepted), and return the form below:

Additional Insured Request Form

If you use this form, below is information on how to complete the Additional Insured Information section:

~ Where to Send Certificate: choose that the certificate be emailed to your unit; you can then share it with BCPS Facilities

~ Additional Insured Wording: none needed

~ Insurable Interest of Additional Insured: check school/district

Return the completed form via one of these options (allow 24-48 hours for processing):

  1. Scan and email back to
  2. Fax to 214-360-0802
  3. Mail to the following address: AIM Companies, PO Box 674051, Dallas, TX 75267-4051

**AIM shared this clarifying information: Instead of completing the above-noted request form, units can log onto their accounts, go to Certificate of Insurance, choose Proof of Coverage, and add Board of Education of Baltimore County, 6901 Charles St. Towson MD 21204 as certificate holder AND as additional insured.

A screen shot of a form Description automatically generated


Crowd Management Training

This 2-hour session costs $20 and is a valid PTA expense. Training is required per BCPS Rule 1300 if you’ll host 50 or more people at your event.

Insurance: A Standards of Affiliation (SoA) Requirement

Free State PTA requires each local PTA to have general liability and bonding insurance as well as directors and officers insurance and has inserted language to that effect in to the PTA bylaws. Your unit’s policy only covers PTA members while doing activities for the PTA. It is critical that outside vendors/concessionaires/service providers have their own insurance to reduce the possibility the PTA unit will be held liable for the activity. PTAs are required to obtain a Hold Harmless Agreement and Evidence of Insurance from each vendor/concessionaire/service provider that is used.

Insurance must be obtained through Free State PTA and its authorized provider:

AIM (Association Insurance Management, Inc.):

For assistance, contact or call


AIM Parent Teacher Group Insurance Program’s Description of Coverages (pdf)

AIM Description of Coverages

The annual premium currently is $226 for each local PTA; please be sure to budget this amount for the insurance payment. Refer to Free State PTA’s website’s Insurance section (coming soon) for more information. An insurance summary and certificate of insurance will be issued to each insured PTA. Policy year is July 1 to June 30 of each calendar year.

DEADLINE: Invoices and statements are mailed to local PT(S)A units in May; payment is due by July 1. Please include a late payment fee of $25 if payment is made after July.