Find Free State PTA membership resources here:
The link above offers details on how to pay your unit’s dues in 2 different ways.
Use the membership campaign found on These resources can provide you with great visuals and templates for attracting more members to join your PTA. Remember there is no wrong way to PTA and look for upcoming opportunities to learn more about Membership.
Questions: Please contact VP for Membership at
Member Benefits!
Remind your PTA members (and potential members) of the benefits of joining PTA. National PTA has many national business partners, which offer substantial discounts to PTA members.
PTA Membership Top-Ten List
- Many opportunities for discounts
- The opportunity to be connected with your child’s school
- Large network for parents and teachers
- Access to great resources for parents and students
- Opportunity to assist your child and other children in the community
- Opportunity to “speak up and suggest change” at your child’s school
- Witness improvements in the school, curriculum, and social events through fundraising efforts
- Affordable – membership in the largest child advocacy organization costs less than 3 cents per day
- Help support the many things the PT(S)A does for [School Name] students
- Good role model for your child – shows your child the importance that you place on them and their education
PTA for Your Child Membership Campaign Toolkit
January 2025 General Meeting Membership Workshop
~ Members can be enrolled all year long.
~ Free State PTA no longer distributes membership cards; cards are printed via Givebacks or using the template on the Free State PTA website:
~ Free State PTA no longer issues invoices. Units track their membership numbers and pay dues monthly.
~ 2024-25 PTA Membership valid until 9/30/25.
~ Dues should be remitted to National PTA and Free State PTA on a monthly basis (first payment due 10/31) preferably using Givebacks. You can also pay using ONE FORM found in the Membership section of the Free State PTA’s website.
Free State PTA Membership Form
~ Submit membership dues for at least 10 members by 3/31 to remain “in good standing” with Free State PTA (but continue to sell memberships and pay dues after this deadline)
~ Good Standing” with Free State PTA (for now, items have been reduced) means; unit has paid membership dues, has submitted officer contact information to Free State PTA, has paid insurance to AIM, and has submitted bylaws to Free State PTA.
~ The full “Good Standing”/Standards of Affiliation (SoA) Checklist for local units is here:
~ Units in “good standing” can take part in Reflections, apply for National PTA grants, and send delegates to the Free State PTA Convention/Training.
PTA members pay dues to their local unit, at an amount set by that PT(S)A. Each member’s dues includes a Free State PTA portion ($2.00 per member/year) and a National PTA portion ($2.25 per member/year); thus, each local unit remits dues in the amount of $4.25 per member.
If not paying via Givebacks (recommended), use ONE FORM (link below) to pay National and State dues AT THE SAME TIME.
Form found here:
From National PTA: “When PTA gets involved, children benefit; when you get involved in PTA, the child who benefits the most is your own.”
- use an easy-to-understand sample membership form
- JUST ASK: a PTA survey showed that the NUMBER ONE reason people don’t join is that they were never asked to
- if people express an interest in PTA, contact them right away to find out their interests and invite them to participate
- always have membership forms available in the school office
- hold membership drives at Back-to-School Night and other major school events
- be present during American Education Week (food/hospitality is a good incentive!)
- use Givebacks to sell memberships via your “store”. It makes joining and paying easier. Using Givebacks has been shown to increase membership by 34%!
- Use a QR to join
- have your president and/or membership chair speak at Back-to-School Night (ask principal for permission) to let families know how much your PTA does for your school and how much you need their help
- remind your community about your PTA’s accomplishments and service
- send a mid-year reminder postcard, flyer, or letter to families and staff to encourage them to join
- anyone can join and serve!
- keep meetings productive and positive; they are NOT gossip sessions
- be inclusive; different people have different skills and perspectives; include all voices
- translate PTA documents into different languages; offer translation services at meetings
- virtual or hybrid meetings may increase attendance
- thank members by including their names in your newsletter
- remind teachers that the “T” in PTA stands for TEACHER
- have a faculty rep on your board
- some PTAs have business members and sponsors; consider creating a “business member” category at your board meeting; dues could be, for example, $25/membership
- business-member logos can be posted in your Givebacks “store” — you can’t advertise or endorse businesses, but you can thank your sponsors
- to encourage teacher/staff membership, you can offer lower-cost memberships for them; the dues amount (maybe $5/member) can be decided at your board meeting
- create community partnerships to expand your PTA’s outreach