- Prepare and make bank deposits daily
- Remit FSPTA and NPTA dues monthly
- Balance checkbook, bank statement signed by President, Treasurer, and one other non-signatory board member
- Prepare final financial report; conduct financial review of previous year’s books for presentation at first general meeting
- Treasurer transition; complete signature cards at bank
- Set goals for the coming year
- Add or adjust committees based on your goals
- Elect Standing Committees per local unit bylaws
- Prepare budget to present to general membership at first general meeting
- Set general meeting schedule for year to be presented at first general meeting
- Review National PTA Back-to-School Kit (www.ptakit.org)
- Send officer contact info to PTA Council (directory@bcptacouncil.org) and FSPTA (soa@fspta.org)
July 1:
- Liability, Bonding, and Directors and Officers’ Insurance must be paid to company designated by FSPTA by JULY 1
- Start membership campaign; consider using GiveBacks
August/September, First Board Meeting of the Year:
- Approve committee plans of work
September, First General Meeting of the Year:
- Conduct general membership meeting and approve budget at this meeting
- Accept financial review report and send to FSPTA by OCTOBER 30
- Announce general meeting schedule and board meeting schedule for year
- Pay PTA Council dues by OCTOBER 1
- Send copy of financial review report to FSPTA by OCTOBER 30
November 15:
- File IRS 990N (total income less than $50,000), 990EZ or 990 for fiscal year 7/1- 6/30; send copy to FSPTA by DECEMBER 15
December 30:
- File Annual Update of Registration Form for MD Charitable Organizations by DECEMBER 30; send copy to FSPTA by JANUARY 30
2 Months Prior To Election of Officers:
- Select Nominating Committee following instructions in bylaws; elections held at general meeting as listed in bylaws
March 31:
- Cut-off for FSPTA Convention credentials; number credentialed from local unit based on members paid by March 31
April 15:
- File Maryland Personal Property Return by APRIL 15; send copy to FSPTA by MAY 15
- Check budget and make any amendments necessary
- Prepare books for financial review.
- Pay liability, Bonding and Directors and Officers Insurance due July 1