
For the time period of: ______________________________________

BALANCE On Hand _______________________ $_______________

Date of Last Audit

RECEIPTS (for fiscal year or date of last audit to the current time) $_______________

TOTAL CASH $_______________

DISBURSEMENTS ________________________ $_______________

From last audit to date of audit

BALANCE on hand $_______________

Last Bank statement Balance $ _______________

Deposits not yet credited by bank $ _______________

Total Checks Outstanding $ _______________

Balance in checking account ______________________ $ ________________


ATTACH COPY OF ANNUAL REPORT (actual expenditures compared to the

approved budget showing all line items and approved adjustments)

I (we) have examined the annual report and financial records of the treasurer of the _____________________ PTA for the period of_______________ to _________________ and find them to be: (circle one)

[correct, incomplete, substantially correct with the following adjustments list on the back, incorrect].



Auditor’s Signature

______________________________________ Date: ___________

______________________________________ Date: ___________

______________________________________ Date: ___________


Provide comments on issues that should be brought to the PTA’s attention. (use back of paper for comments)

Please provide a copy to Free State PTA.