Free State PTA requires ALL local PTAs to be incorporated.

The advantage of incorporation is its ability to shield from liability.

Local PTAs not yet incorporated should contact PTA Council for an Incorporation Packet or Revival Packet. We will assist you in submitting the form.

You can check your incorporation status at More details are on our new UNIT COMPLAINCE tab on the homepage of this website!

  • Click on Business Data Search
  • Click on Business Entity Information
  • Enter either the PTA name as originally submitted OR enter your PTA’s Incorporation Number (starts with D)
  • When you see your PTA, click on general information for an overview of your PTA’s status

If you find that your charter has been forfeited, please contact PTA Council.

Corporate status in Maryland also requires that a Personal Property Return (Report) be filed each year by 4/15. This must be done even if your unit owns no personal property and is CRUCIAL to remain an ACTIVE PTA/corporation. The report is filed online (use the DAT/SDAT link above) and only takes minutes. See the UNIT COMPLIANCE tab on the homepage of this website for more details!